Video index
1. Call meeting to order
4. Recognition, Event Update, and Moment of Silence.
5. Citizen Comments.
6. Consent Agenda.
7.1 Discuss and consider action regarding appointments to council vacancies.
7.2 Issuance of Oaths of Office.
7.3 Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on Ordinance No. 558, regarding a request for a Special Use Permit to allow a food and beverage services (with drive through) use on property generally located at 12703 W. Highway 71, Bee Cave Texas.
7.4 Discuss and receive a presentation from the Texas Hotel and Lodging Association on Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds.
7.5 Discuss and consider action on Resolution No. 2025-03 authorizing the City Manager to execute a non-exclusive license agreement with Google Fiber Texas LLC., for the use of city public right of way (row) for internet network facility installation.
7.6 Discuss and consider action on Resolution No. 2025-01 authorizing the City Manager to terminate a traffic signal maintenance agreement with the State of Texas.
7.7 Discuss and consider action on Ordinance No. 555 amending the city’s Ethics Ordinance.
7.8 Discuss and consider action on Resolution No. 2025-02 authorizing the application for a Community Development Partnership Program grant from the Lower Colorado River Authority to assist with the purchase of a skid steer for extreme weather preparedness and parks improvements.
7.9 Discuss and consider action Ordinance No. 556, changing the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025.
7.10 Discuss and consider action on Ordinance No. 557 incorporating all charter amendments into an adopted form.
8. Executive Session
Jan 14, 2025 Regular Council Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call meeting to order
4. Recognition, Event Update, and Moment of Silence.
5. Citizen Comments.
6. Consent Agenda.
7.1 Discuss and consider action regarding appointments to council vacancies.
7.2 Issuance of Oaths of Office.
7.3 Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on Ordinance No. 558, regarding a request for a Special Use Permit to allow a food and beverage services (with drive through) use on property generally located at 12703 W. Highway 71, Bee Cave Texas.
7.4 Discuss and receive a presentation from the Texas Hotel and Lodging Association on Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds.
7.5 Discuss and consider action on Resolution No. 2025-03 authorizing the City Manager to execute a non-exclusive license agreement with Google Fiber Texas LLC., for the use of city public right of way (row) for internet network facility installation.
7.6 Discuss and consider action on Resolution No. 2025-01 authorizing the City Manager to terminate a traffic signal maintenance agreement with the State of Texas.
7.7 Discuss and consider action on Ordinance No. 555 amending the city’s Ethics Ordinance.
7.8 Discuss and consider action on Resolution No. 2025-02 authorizing the application for a Community Development Partnership Program grant from the Lower Colorado River Authority to assist with the purchase of a skid steer for extreme weather preparedness and parks improvements.
7.9 Discuss and consider action Ordinance No. 556, changing the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025.
7.10 Discuss and consider action on Ordinance No. 557 incorporating all charter amendments into an adopted form.
8. Executive Session
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